Monday, December 19, 2016

Trial with a new form.

Intro Mira, Prt 1

Arminus sits in his office with his back to the window. piles of paper are on his desk. 

He stirs and exhales slowly.

Arminius: what a long day (muttering)

He twirls his fingers. the pen on his desk rises and hovers over one form.

Arminius: (in a tired drone) Number of students, not available. The pen scribbles on the page
 Arminius: Primary residence, Calcibar Manor, the city of Strouton, in the Cornell provence. Not                            available, Not applicable. No. No preferred method.

A bell chimes. Arminius stirs in his chair, strait backed, noticeably more alert. with a releaved look on his face. 

Arminius: Finally she arrives!

He eagerly and briskly walks to the door, opens it, and starts down the hallway. The hallway is clear of obstructions, but dirty and dusty with a few cobwebs. 
Arminius keeps walking, preening as he goes. He turns right, then descends down five steps into the main building of the manor. This hallway is noticeably cleaner, though the walls are faded.
Arminius takes up an impressing pose at the edge of a banister overlooking a grand, but dusty, foyer.

With emphasized movements he pulls a wand from his coat pocket and thrusts it toward the door.

Arminius: (grandly) Welcome to Ithalreal, Professor Mira Valithiano!

Mira wears billowy clothes, and has her hair in a loose bun. There are traces of paint on her fingers. 

Mira: (equally grandly) It's a pleasure to be here, Principal Traffurd! (sarcastically) Or at least it will             be when cobwebs aren't framing each corner.
Arminius: Haha, I thought with your artistic sense you would see past that to what this place could                       be.
Mira: (raises eyebrow) Ahuh, in other words you want me to do the cleaning?

Arminius: (with humor) I'm drowning in papers, and forms, and reports, and job applications. I've                                               done nothing else all day. (more calmly and seriously) In fact, I've not even                                             eaten. I know you just arrived, but how do you feel about going back into                                            town and catching up over dinner?\\

Mira: I feel as though the very smell of coal smoke will make me sick. pause Still, if that's the option                for dinner, let's be off before I get comfortable.